Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Wear yellow with Lance - 2 October 2010

This Saturday, Lance Armstrong will be wearing yellow to raise awareness of the 28 million people living with cancer worldwide—and we invite you to join him and thousands of others in wearing your support.

Right now, cancer kills more people than AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis combined—but incredibly; cancer is not at the top of the world’s agenda.

Together, we can change that. Supporters like you have already made yellow the universally recognized symbol of the fight against cancer, and on October 2, LIVESTRONG Day, you can use that symbol to join in a global statement of strength and courage.

Wear yellow with Lance on LIVESTRONG Day—Saturday, October 2.

There’s a great tradition at our LIVESTRONG Challenge events: thousands of supporters wear yellow and cheer on participants as they head towards the finish line.

That home stretch has become known as the Yellow Mile. It represents solidarity and support for the fight against cancer—and it’s a powerful moment to witness the whole community standing together as one.

In just four days, you can help Lance extend that Yellow Mile all around the globe. The more people who wear yellow on LIVESTRONG Day, the closer we’ll move towards ending the stigma against cancer—and, one day, to a world completely free from the disease.

Join Lance and supporters in more than 50 different countries by wearing yellow on LIVESTRONG Day.

Let’s show the world that we’re tough enough to take on cancer—and win.



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